<meta name="google-site-verification" content="mOp0zEb7pEGLfiMYLFprSbEnGBAjZCNjlD7oH1tG0qc" /> texts by martine folkersma

  1. DOGtime department catalogue
    Including 'artist statement' [INTERCUT PHONE CONVERSATION]
    Part of DOGtime Graduation Show, Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam / July 2017
    Text, photo's, set design, script


    ('artist statement')

    "Me? Nooo, no. I was working. On the... well, you know. And the funny thing was, I was typing this word 'narcissistically' and then Word indicated that I spelled it incorrectly (you know, by the red wobbly line underneath). So, I checked and it gave the following alternatives:


    Ignore all?"



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